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[nIgHtmares n FairytalEs]

created and written by: Serena valentino (creator, writer of Gloom cookie)
texts and logo by: Joshua Archer
published by: Slavelabor

issue1 (may2002)
annabelle the doll in SD forms.s.s.s and sticker form....all loads of bullshit experimentings

initial sketches: http://flyingsotongcan.freeservers.com/

issue1's cover ...... with logo
a wallpaper of sheer laziness?
march...19th... issue 2 done. nearly 3/4 insanely undead. good.
april... issue 2 backcover
the trashed-with-hate files: 2nd issue covers-first version front n back
July...2nd... front cover .....Oct... back cover
Oct....7th... front cover ..... Boxing day... back cover
Jan003....5th... front cover
April003...24th... front cover....back cover
Aug003....10th... front cover....back cover
trade paperback 1
Oct003......front cover... back cover
Nov003....inside covers:#1, #3, #6 and a crossword puzzle [some original pages from#1 through #7 and trade paperbag are on sale until 2004 June] ^^)>"
Nov003 ....12th... front cover ...... back cover
Jan004 ....front cover
....front cover
....front cover .....backcover
....front cover ....backcover
trade paperback 2
....front cover ....backcover
extras: paperdoll, game spread page, rules, gallery spread page.




























Annabelle doll
sketches: 1, 2 , 3 , {update sept12} box packaging-annbelle sketch ,
1-01monkee helmeena 1-02inu wanwang 1-03sqooshy blood 1-04 mechanica buzzer
cold cut: illustration (black n white)





annabelle keychain a friend made ^____^
morgan i even got her to autograph it ^__^) ..yey
from Rebecca Sugar... really neat (0 w =)
from Josceline Fenton... cool (0 w =)
Salmonman's Dominique sweeet (* w *)
^____^)/ this is from Liza, very creative
Fig's anna ^w^) (fig's art site)
Patara's anna (^ E ^) (pat's website)
Adam Tierney's annabelle (@ E @);
Jamie's chibi annabelle Jamie's annabelle (> w<) woosh! (jamie's art site) | morgan and anna (ow o)
annabelle with window scene by CK(>w<)b happy! happied
banner ^_^ by megan
Anna by Marc (Marc's website)
Ali's cute little annbelle
Okage Hime's little girl annabelle
Ana Irene's very cute artworks
called Creepy by Alison
Dom and Ana by Celine
a cover of #8 cover by Keri Stone
Lenorey Gwen by Lainskeh
sweetness perfection by Mokekiyo
cuteness perfection by Aya
Prancyzombie's annabelle banner




















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